Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 14

Unit 14

Q Instructions For this assignment, use the Academic Essay returned by your instructor in Week 13 and continue to develop your supporting arguments by moving on to draft the second supporting argument section. Refine the topic sentence and header format based on your instructor feedback and develop a first full draft of the section. Be sure to cite the library articles you have sourced for the supporting argument claims you made and update the References as needed for all sources cited. Be sure to also make any necessary revisions to your thesis paragraph and first supporting argument based on your instructor’s feedback from Week 13. Also, conduct a grammar and style check on your draft and refine for any changes needed prior to submission of the updated essay draft. Finally, save a copy of the draft to your course repository as you have been doing throughout the course for all of your assignments. Due End of Week 14 Assessment Guidelines and Rubric This assignment is worth 10 points, and falls under the Assignments category, which is worth 30% of your final grade. Your assignment should be a minimum of two complete paragraphs with approximately 4–5 sentences inserted under the second supporting argument header. Before uploading, please save your document under the following naming conventions: “YourLastName - Week # - Assignment Title.” To better understand how your work will be assessed, please review the Assignment Rubric.

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Online Learning has become one of the prominent realities in recent times. This condition has also gained prominence due to the pandemic. Many schools and colleges have adopted virtual learning methods to allow the students to keep learning and continue their education. The premise of education has changed drastically, and many people have adopted the online model of learning to keep their learning moving on. This model of learning has allowed the students, who for some reason could not complete their studies to enrol in courses and complete their education.